T: 0854-796-214 E: Political@fg.com
Who We Are

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
Society collage, it's inside us all lettering

Who we are

What we do

Citizens Alliance is a one and only political movement which will bring Sri Lankans together as one. This alliance will not have any discrimination as per the language spoken, religious believe, cast difference and location of citizens live. All are treated as Sri Lankans.
Our main objective is to collect Sri Lankans together and bringing a new force which is created through the people and by the people. The democracy is 100% looked in to in this alliance and any citizen from any background will be able to become the president of the country with people willingness.

About Our History

The history will not run for long period but will run for a short period of 2 years. This movement was started on 09th of April 2022 in the objective of changing system of Sri Lanka with the slogan of “GOTA GO HOME” with the intention of asking that time President of the country Gotabaya Rajapaksha to leave. That initiative took place just because of the economic crisis faced by the citizens and poor management by the government.
In this movement there was no any organizers and just people walk into the street with the intention of chasing the president and changing the system. That Movement took 3 months time as a location wise Galleface Green Colombo and by 14th of July 2022 Gotabaya Rajapaksha left his position as President. Then new President Ranil Wickramasingha took the power with parliament majority.
But the peoples movement in called as Aragalya that meas struggle didn’t carry on its ideology of changing the system. The reason behind that was there was some political parties and organizations they don’t want to continue this movement. Those political parties intention was to get the power to their hand not to people. So post Aragalaya that means the struggle the movement got demolished.
Society collage, it's inside us all lettering

About Citizens Alliance

About Citizens Alliance

As we know the citizens movement Aragalaya demolished our main intention is to start up a peoples movement to get the power of the country by people. In Sri Lankan political context there are only the political movements which is closed to people. So if a citizen need to join he or she needs to follow up a huge process in getting to a position. In these old political movements there are zero democracy.
Citizens Alliance is belong to the people it will be there for the people and by the people. As per that this citizens alliance is starting after 2 years of huge peoples movement Aragalaya. How it works its so simple there are 5 categories where people and organizations can join the alliance. They are
According to these membership criteria we have to bring up the ideology of Digital Democracy which is not being used in in Sri Lanka. We will be the pioneers of Digital Democracy in Sri Lanka. The Digital Democracy will be implemented through a proper organization Structure. The organization Structure will always work with our digital platform www.slcitizens.lk .